May 01, 2011

Have you ever tried sleeping with a broken heart...? In 'The Sun Also Rises' by Hemingway the main character, Jake, at one point says that it is so easy to be tough during the day, but at night it's a whole different story. I couldn't agree more. I occupy myself with million things...I study, read, write, work, etc etc from the moment I wake up till it's time to go to sleep. But then comes the moment when I have to close my eyes...and I start thinking...and before I realise I listen to THAT music, and tears start falling, and even though it hurts so much I just cannot let those memories go...It's a torture. But there is something so pure, deep, beautiful about reliving those moments over and over again even though I know that they might never repeat themselves.

April 24, 2011

The weather is so hot man these days, so mostly dressing in silky tops from Tophop and not much more.

February 19, 2011

It's all grey and rainy in London today, still not bad enough too miss some coffee, shopping, and the London Street Photography exhibition.

February 18, 2011

New faux leather jacket from Wallis and silver cuff from Topshop. Still no time for proper posts:/

January 26, 2011

I have been very sluggish with updating this blog. No..who am I kidding, I have barely written anything at all, let alone uploaded any pictures. Anyway, more about my New Year's resolutions and what I've been up to soon; I promise to get my act together and come up with a proper fashion blog post in the next couple of days. Night!

December 08, 2010

Fiorelli laptop bag, which I can't wait to buy. It comes in misty rose, dusty blue and black, and I honestly can't decide on the colour.